Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Hannah Montana Baby!!
That being said, I am so glad that we went. Chloe had a wonderful time! She jumped and danced and sang for 2 hours straight! So much fun!! Here's a few of our favorite pics!
Getting ready for the opening act, The Jonas Brothers!



Hannah in her "Old Blue Jeans"!

What a set! What a show! Is that Lola?!

Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Goings On of the last few months....

Where to begin? I do believe I promised a Holloween picture of the kiddies during my last post. So I'll finally deliver that now...sorry for the delay. Life has been busy and it's been a long while, and as my old friend Jarrod pointed out, Fall is no longer here!
Picture to the left is the big kids pic. Cousin Cade was the Grim Reaper. Unfortunately, his mask broke. Chloe was a pink witch, who also unfortunately lost her hat. And our friend Carter was Darth Vader who was too hot to wear the mask. 8 year old...what are ya gonna do?

Second picture is Cooper as Batman and friend Sophia as Batgirl. Aren't they CUTE?! They have become the best of buddies this year at church, preschool, and playdates when their moms need emergency babysitting.

And #3 is the only photographic evidence that Brody indeed wore a costume. Immediately after the click of the camera, he ripped the lion mane off and proceeded to chew on it for the next 3 hours. Oh well.
Moving right along to the next day in the life...
Our church had it's annual Chili Cook Off and Fall Festival. As per tradition, the adult Sunday School classes all have to come up with a theme and decorate/dress up accordingly. Votes are tallied by money donated. Bills are votes for and loose change are votes against. My class, the Alpha Class, was FALSELY accused in the 2006 cook off of stealing votes from other classes to pad our own tally. GASP! Of course, it never happened and they can't prove it anyway. Bwahahahaaaa.... So this year, we decided to play along and make our class theme "Fulton First United Methodist: Most Wanted". Fortunately, we have law enforcement connections and were able to borrow our costumes from the real deal!

We drove home our theme by having both Misdemeanor and Felony Chili (Mild and HOT!), a cake (with a file), mug shots of each class member and the preacher hanging up on the way, jail house tattoos, and Bubba teeth...just for the fun of it.
Can you believe we didn't win?! Sigh....we was robbed!
Other fun at the Fall Fest included Karaoke, booth games, and gigantic inflatable slide that was enjoyed by young....

and slightly more mature!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Fall Is Here!

Monday, October 22, 2007
Bo-Bo's Big Birthday Adventure!
Saturday came and brought a fever to Cooper. Poor kid. His fever came down by Sunday, but the coughing started for both boys. We called around to the invitees to warn them of the possible germies. People were kind and decided to attend anyway.
Sunday afternoon, we had BBQ, hashbrown casserole, broccoli salad, macaroni salad, slaw, and Batman birthday cake! We all ate ourselves silly and then watched as Brody had his first whole piece of cake to eat on his own! What a mess! But a FUN mess! He is a lot like his momma....he loves chocolate!!
After the party, we cleaned while the kids played with Macade. We got the boys down for bed and Chloe and Cade stayed up for a little while. (Macade stayed the night...they just weren't ready for the party to be over!) Chloe went to brush her teeth and found yet ANOTHER loose tooth ready and ripe for plucking. After a bit of protest from her, I finally was able to yank the tooth out! It's a strange hobby, but I have learned that it's quite enjoyable; kind of like popping someone else's pimples or peeling sunburned skin off someone else's back. (Don't act like you've never done that! OK, back to the tooth....) So, here I sit, waiting to see what the toothfairy brought her once again. It's a good thing this one came out. She just went broke on her latest purchase of yet another Webkinz!
Anyway, it looks like we'll be headed back to the doctor's today with
Friday, October 19, 2007
It's been awhile....
First off, we had a family reunion recently. It was alot of fun and we enjoyed spending the day with everyone. Here's a few of our favorite pics from the day...

Notice that both Memaw, about to turn 86 November 8th, and Chloe are both wishing for their two front teeth from Santa!
Michael Jon has adjusted to his 12 hour shifts well. He's enjoying the nights off each week and we've been able to spend more family time together as a unit. We are loving that! Cooper had a rough time the first few weeks of the new shift. Before this, Michael Jon didn't leave for work until well after the kids were asleep for the night, so Cooper really never realized that his daddy wasn't here. Having to watch daddy drive away right after supper was far from easy at first. We spent the first few nights sitting on the porch waving goodbye through tears and screams. It's gotten much better though. Whew...
Chloe is doing well in 3rd grade! I just had the first parent/teacher conference for the year and she got raves from all her teachers! She got all A's and B's (the B's were all 1 pt away from being A's!) and the teachers all agreed that she's doing well with her studies and with her behavior. Only 2 more games for cheer leading and then we'll probably start basketball. I'm looking forward to watching her learn the game. She has a natural knack for hitting baskets.
Jon Cooper is doing wonderfully in preschool! He's learned his shapes and colors! Still working on the name writing, but it's coming along. He's waiting patiently for Halloween to arrive so he can wear his Batman costume and "get candy"! He has found the joy of play dates and loves going to his friends' houses for a few hours. Actually, I think he'd just move in if we let him!
Brody is about to turn one!! This completely blows my mind! He's pulling up and cruising the furniture. No complete steps yet, but I'm sure that it's right around the corner. As much as he stays into on his belly, I can't imagine what he'll be like on two feet and upright! Watch out!! We're planning a birthday dinner on Sunday, so we'll have some new pics to share. He's got a red throat and ear, but no strep according to the ped, so hopefully he'll be feeling better by the big day.
Me?? Well, I'm watching kids...mine and others'. I'm doing the church thing and the mom thing. I'm trying to plan a mom's only slumber party for November. My friends and I don't get much time together anymore with all the kids' activities and housewife stuff to get done. So I decided to throw a party for the mom's to come to. Talk and hangout like we used to "PK" (pre-kids). Looking forward to the fast-approaching holidays! They'll be here before we know it! I'm a little worried about finding toys that aren't lead painted!! So we may be getting a big family gift instead of lots of toys for each kid. Still thinking on that one. Michael Jon is wanting the Nintendo Wii...He says the kids would love it...I think he'll love it!
So until Brody's birthday...have a nice weekend!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Close Call

So, rewind to earlier this evening...
Michael Jon was mowing. I was grilling and cooking supper. Brody was sitting in his highchair enjoying some white grape juice. Cooper was playing soccer in the yard. (I still have no idea where that soccer ball came from....) Chloe was riding Cade's 4-Wheeler. (You can see where this is going now, can't you?)
So as I'm checking the baked potatoes and dancing to Vacation by The Go Go's to keep Brody mildly entertained while I continue cooking, in runs Michael Jon carrying a screaming Chloe. Truthfully, it didn't even freak me out. I've gotten somewhat used to Chloe's varied injuries over the years. She's not that clumsy. She's just a tomboy and full of "Anything you can do, I can do better" attitude with her best buddy/cousin Cade.
Apparently, she decided to drive Cade's 4-wheeler and he decided to ride. Apparently, she's not too hot a driver. She flipped it into a dirt mound. Leg is burned pretty good. Shoulder scraped, hip bruised, face scraped. She'll probably wake with a black eye. Ain't the first, won't be the last knowing her. Cade's ok. Bruised a bit, but it seems Chloe got the worst of this one.

It seems that she scared her Daddy enough this time to ban the 4-wheeler riding all together unless she's with him or another trusted adult family member. And anyone who knows Michael Jon knows that he's not the over-protective type. So she's not going to be motocross riding again anytime soon.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
5 Girls and a Baby

So the girls arrived at 6:30 and we proceeded to eat pizza, dirt cake, and ice cream. Once we were done with the food, we got out the crafts and party favors. The girls made fun little purses and picture frames to go along with the theme of the night, "A Fashion Show". All the girls brought their favorite dress up outfits, play makeup, and accessories. They got all gussied up and we planned our big fashion show! Each girl was photographed in her favorite outfit and the best photos were put into their homemade frames for their party favors. Our audience and judges were Beth, Caela, Cade, Amber, and Ethen. I think Cade was having much more fun then he'd allow anyone to think...especially when he got some blue streaks put in his hair by Lexi!

And although he was loyal to his cousin and best buddy, Chloe, and voted for her outfit, he was clearly smitten with one of the other girls!
Monday, September 10, 2007
20 to 0 South Fulton Red Devils 3rd Graders WIN!

Unfortunately, it rained most of the night, so I didn't keep the camera out for long. The girls did a great job! And those of you who know Chloe first hand, know that she's usually quite reserved and shy in public. Cheerleading is bringing her out of her shell! They even cheered in the rain! Standing with umbrellas didn't seem to last for long and they decided to toss them aside and just play in the rain! There was no thunder and lightening, but it was a hard, steady rain. And everyone was wet by the end of the game.
Sunday, September 9, 2007

Of course, we then had dinner, cake, and ice cream (and Caela's pie!! MMMMMmmmmm...) And then it was time to open presents....

Which lead to playtime with Chloe, Cade, and Carly. Cooper was a little shy, but he and Brody had some fun too...

We had so much fun! Wish you all could have been here too. Now to get ready for her "real" party...a slumber party for 6 girls on Saturday night...y'all can start praying for me now.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
The Boys had a good day...

We spent a rainy afternoon at the USWA Picnic. It was cool, rainy, muddy, and crowded. The timing of it all made us have to skip nap time which is never a good idea where Cooper and Brody are concerned. But there just wasn't any way around it. We got there just in time to eat and just as we were about to take to the fair rides, it started pouring down! I mean, it was raining buckets! Everything flooded, and they took down the rides. The kids were not happy. But all was not lost! There was still the door prizes to be given away. Last year, Chloe won a bike! And this year, it was the boys turn! Brody won the first one. Of course, he's a bit too small for it now, but I'm sure he'll be big enough for it before we know it! Cooper's is the perfect size for him! And he's pleased as punch with it! I know that you can't tell from the picture, but keep in mind, there was no nap and we are all pooped at this point! The boys are actually happy, they just can't remember that right now. Chloe was the only one disappointed this time. But tomorrow is her 8th birthday and unbeknowst to her, we're having a surprise party for her! So her disappointment will hopefully just add to the greatness of tomorrow's festivities!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Walking in Memphis...
So, to start at the beginning of our journey....I picked Chloe and McCade up a few minutes early from school and we met up with Beth to make the trip. She and "Cade" had to come back home after the show, so she drove separate and we were on our way. We made great time of I-40 and got to Southaven, to my parents' house, in less than 3 hours. Beth only had one travel nightmare in her car...we won't disclose here for fear of humiliating an 8 year old, but it was really a travel nightmare! In my car, the boys and Chloe were great, other than the occasional whine and "Are we there, yeeeet????"
So we dropped Cooper and Brody off with my parents and headed to a quick dinner. We got a little carried away and lost track of time. When we got back in the car, we realized that we had less than 17 minutes to drive from Southaven to downtown Memphis, find a parking spot, and get in our seats at the theater, or we'd have to miss the first 8 minutes of the show. From what I had been told, the first 8 minutes are the absolute MUST SEE portion! So I drove like a native Memphis driver and we actually got into a parking spot one block from the theater and had 3 minutes to spare! Whew!
So we're walking to the front doors, when a theater usher yells at us, "If y'all are coming in here, you better run! You don't want them babies to miss the first part! You DON'T want them babies to miss it!!" So Cade, Chloe, and I turned to see Beth making her way...she waved us on to go without her, much like a classic disaster movie. And we started to run! We made it in the theater just in time! Beth quickly followed us and we got in our seats. And I have to say...our seats were great! Much better than I ever thought they'd be!! Orchestra Left, on the row. Probably about 20 rows back. Just far enough away from the stage to see the full view of the scenes and close to the rows so that we could have reached out and touched the animals if we'd wanted as they did the walk throughs. And the usher was so right! We did NOT want to miss the first 10 minutes!! Forget the babies! I would have been crushed if we had missed that!! Of course, being the musical theater nerd that I am, I teared up with every crescendo, and loved every moment of it! And judging from Chloe, Cade, and Beth's reactions, they were just as impressed. I was very proud of both Chloe and Cade for their behavior during the show! To be as excited as we all were, they were quiet and respectful of the other theater guests and the hard working actors! And it only took 2 or 3 threats of bodily harm to get them that way.
And here's the bragging portion for the boys....Cooper and Brody stayed with my parents while we were at the show. I had expected that we'd be headed back to Southaven around 9:30. The show was much longer and we didn't get back to Southaven until 11:00! Cooper, of course, is an old pro at staying with Grandmomma and Poppa for whole weekends at a time, but 10 month old Brody is going through some classic separation anxiety. Add to that the runny nose and teething, and I was a little worried that he would spend much of the time there in tears and worrying his doting Grandmomma to the point of tears herself. I couldn't have been more wrong! They were happily sleeping when we arrived. My parents were bragging about how well behaved they were. Whew...again.
The kiddies and I stayed a few nights, playing with cousin Becca. We went out to eat with the whole crew and quickly found out that, contrary to popular belief, the Glass family is NOT the loudest group in Shelby county! There were some teens at an adjacent table that were joyfully celebrating a birthday. They were so jubilant that we didn't even bother keeping all our little rug rats down to a roar. You know that a group is loud when the 3 and 4 year olds at the table start to complain!
Spent Saturday visiting Memaw and Nonnie in Holly Grove, TN. Memaw is gratefully doing much better!! She's more herself these days than I've seen her in a year or more. Eating better, sleeping better, talking more, crying less. It's a blessing to see her this way again! And it's great to see Nonnie getting a break from the round the clock care that she was having to provide a few months ago. She and Ray Ray and Momma have been so dedicated in caring for Memaw during this time.
After swimming at Nonnie's and a few more hours of chatting, we made our way back home to spend some quality time with Michael Jon on his night off. It's good to be back home again. Now to get all the laundry done and the kids back on a regular schedule.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Rah Rah Rah!

Cooper's First Day at Preschool!

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Bam Bam! Bam Bam!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Prepare yourself for the cuteness...

Monday, August 20, 2007
Shudder...Cow Killer Ants

Sleep issues
That's the point he started having trouble sleeping all night. Now, my husband (aka Hubbin as I like to refer to him), works the night shift, leaving me to handle all bedtime issues. So if a baby needs feeding, a child needs medicine, a soiled sheet needs changing, or a scared little boy needs comfort, I'm all there is. There's been many sleepless nights in the last few months. But the last 2 weeks have been awful! Cooper has been waking up at least 4 times each night. Add to that Brody's 5:30 wake up and Chloe's 6:00 AM wake up for school, and I'm one pooped out momma!
Now, we've tried lots of remedies for this...everything from nightlights to flashlights to a good dream necklace (one of my necklaces that will keep bad dreams away and happy dreams there...I hope). We've tried skipping naps, moving his bedtime, changing from a lullaby to a story before bed, talking about all the happy parts of our day, talking about what's happening tomorrow. We've tried it all. I let him in my bed, but that usually doesn't last long. He's not a good sleeper when other people are around. He doesn't like cuddling and wants to be able to toss and turn all night. The poor kid is not scared of monsters under the bed or in the closet. He's scared to sleep, scared to dream. He just can't understand for the life of him why these realistic to him...didn't really happen. He can't understand why Daddy and Momma don't remember what happened when we were there in his dream. It's so frustrating! How can I help him? I'm starting to think that it's just a phase that he'll have to get out of, but will my sanity survive the wait?
But then last night, he did sleep! From 8:30 to 7:30! And may I just say...
WOOOOOOO HOOOOOO!! I feel like a new woman! And I'm crossing my fingers that maybe this will be the start of a good stretch of sleep.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The first blog...
So a rundown of what's happening now...
This week is full! Lots of running to registrations and meetings. School stuff, PTO stuff, pre-school stuff, after school stuff, church stuff. It's getting crazy. I'm already foreseeing a future that concerns me once the boys join Chloe in school. But all in all, life is running smoothly. Some positives that are happening...
Chloe lost a top front tooth. She's an official snaggletooth for her first month of 3rd grade.
Cooper is starting preschool in a few weeks. I'm sure I'll be blogging about that and all that comes with it.
Brody has learned to push himself up to sitting position and has the soldier crawl on the belly down pat. That kid is STRONG and FAST! He's taken to moving the dining room chairs around single-handedly. Which has led to his newest nickname of "BamBam"!
Michael Jon is looking forward to starting a new shift at work. It will be a 12 hour shift. Difficult physically, but at least he will be guaranteed some time off during the week.
I'm currently watching a few kids for friends that need part time childcare. There's lots of goods that come from that. Some not-so-goods as well. But for the most part, it's nice to have the house full of laughter and fun.