Monday, October 22, 2007

Bo-Bo's Big Birthday Adventure!

Brody turned 1 this weekend! We weren't quite sure that a party would happen for a little while. He got sick Friday. The doctor said that it was red ear and red throat and sent us on our way. No fever for him. Whew.

Saturday came and brought a fever to Cooper. Poor kid. His fever came down by Sunday, but the coughing started for both boys. We called around to the invitees to warn them of the possible germies. People were kind and decided to attend anyway.

Sunday afternoon, we had BBQ, hashbrown casserole, broccoli salad, macaroni salad, slaw, and Batman birthday cake! We all ate ourselves silly and then watched as Brody had his first whole piece of cake to eat on his own! What a mess! But a FUN mess! He is a lot like his momma....he loves chocolate!!

After the party, we cleaned while the kids played with Macade. We got the boys down for bed and Chloe and Cade stayed up for a little while. (Macade stayed the night...they just weren't ready for the party to be over!) Chloe went to brush her teeth and found yet ANOTHER loose tooth ready and ripe for plucking. After a bit of protest from her, I finally was able to yank the tooth out! It's a strange hobby, but I have learned that it's quite enjoyable; kind of like popping someone else's pimples or peeling sunburned skin off someone else's back. (Don't act like you've never done that! OK, back to the tooth....) So, here I sit, waiting to see what the toothfairy brought her once again. It's a good thing this one came out. She just went broke on her latest purchase of yet another Webkinz!

Anyway, it looks like we'll be headed back to the doctor's today with