I should have known. I should have known better than to mention to a friend how this was the first summer in 3 years that we hadn't had a trip to the ER for our little daredevil Chloe. I should have knocked on wood or crossed my fingers or wished upon a star or something to keep from jinxing us. We didn't actually end up at the ER, but it was dangerously close.
So, rewind to earlier this evening...
Michael Jon was mowing. I was grilling and cooking supper. Brody was sitting in his highchair enjoying some white grape juice. Cooper was playing soccer in the yard. (I still have no idea where that soccer ball came from....) Chloe was riding Cade's 4-Wheeler. (You can see where this is going now, can't you?)
So as I'm checking the baked potatoes and dancing to Vacation by The Go Go's to keep Brody mildly entertained while I continue cooking, in runs Michael Jon carrying a screaming Chloe. Truthfully, it didn't even freak me out. I've gotten somewhat used to Chloe's varied injuries over the years. She's not that clumsy. She's just a tomboy and full of "Anything you can do, I can do better" attitude with her best buddy/cousin Cade.
Apparently, she decided to drive Cade's 4-wheeler and he decided to ride. Apparently, she's not too hot a driver. She flipped it into a dirt mound. Leg is burned pretty good. Shoulder scraped, hip bruised, face scraped. She'll probably wake with a black eye. Ain't the first, won't be the last knowing her. Cade's ok. Bruised a bit, but it seems Chloe got the worst of this one.

It seems that she scared her Daddy enough this time to ban the 4-wheeler riding all together unless she's with him or another trusted adult family member. And anyone who knows Michael Jon knows that he's not the over-protective type. So she's not going to be motocross riding again anytime soon.
So, rewind to earlier this evening...
Michael Jon was mowing. I was grilling and cooking supper. Brody was sitting in his highchair enjoying some white grape juice. Cooper was playing soccer in the yard. (I still have no idea where that soccer ball came from....) Chloe was riding Cade's 4-Wheeler. (You can see where this is going now, can't you?)
So as I'm checking the baked potatoes and dancing to Vacation by The Go Go's to keep Brody mildly entertained while I continue cooking, in runs Michael Jon carrying a screaming Chloe. Truthfully, it didn't even freak me out. I've gotten somewhat used to Chloe's varied injuries over the years. She's not that clumsy. She's just a tomboy and full of "Anything you can do, I can do better" attitude with her best buddy/cousin Cade.
Apparently, she decided to drive Cade's 4-wheeler and he decided to ride. Apparently, she's not too hot a driver. She flipped it into a dirt mound. Leg is burned pretty good. Shoulder scraped, hip bruised, face scraped. She'll probably wake with a black eye. Ain't the first, won't be the last knowing her. Cade's ok. Bruised a bit, but it seems Chloe got the worst of this one.

It seems that she scared her Daddy enough this time to ban the 4-wheeler riding all together unless she's with him or another trusted adult family member. And anyone who knows Michael Jon knows that he's not the over-protective type. So she's not going to be motocross riding again anytime soon.