Where to begin? I do believe I promised a Holloween picture of the kiddies during my last post. So I'll finally deliver that now...sorry for the delay. Life has been busy and it's been a long while, and as my old friend Jarrod pointed out, Fall is no longer here!
Picture to the left is the big kids pic. Cousin Cade was the Grim Reaper. Unfortunately, his mask broke. Chloe was a pink witch, who also unfortunately lost her hat. And our friend Carter was Darth Vader who was too hot to wear the mask. 8 year old...what are ya gonna do?

Second picture is Cooper as Batman and friend Sophia as Batgirl. Aren't they CUTE?! They have become the best of buddies this year at church, preschool, and playdates when their moms need emergency babysitting.

And #3 is the only photographic evidence that Brody indeed wore a costume. Immediately after the click of the camera, he ripped the lion mane off and proceeded to chew on it for the next 3 hours. Oh well.
Moving right along to the next day in the life...
Our church had it's annual Chili Cook Off and Fall Festival. As per tradition, the adult Sunday School classes all have to come up with a theme and decorate/dress up accordingly. Votes are tallied by money donated. Bills are votes for and loose change are votes against. My class, the Alpha Class, was FALSELY accused in the 2006 cook off of stealing votes from other classes to pad our own tally. GASP! Of course, it never happened and they can't prove it anyway. Bwahahahaaaa.... So this year, we decided to play along and make our class theme "Fulton First United Methodist: Most Wanted". Fortunately, we have law enforcement connections and were able to borrow our costumes from the real deal!

We drove home our theme by having both Misdemeanor and Felony Chili (Mild and HOT!), a cake (with a file), mug shots of each class member and the preacher hanging up on the way, jail house tattoos, and Bubba teeth...just for the fun of it.
Can you believe we didn't win?! Sigh....we was robbed!
Other fun at the Fall Fest included Karaoke, booth games, and gigantic inflatable slide that was enjoyed by young....

and slightly more mature!