Sunday, August 19, 2007

The first blog...

So, after seeing some of my friends posting their own blogs, I thought to myself...why not me? It's a great way for friends and family to see how my clan and I are doing.

So a rundown of what's happening now...

This week is full! Lots of running to registrations and meetings. School stuff, PTO stuff, pre-school stuff, after school stuff, church stuff. It's getting crazy. I'm already foreseeing a future that concerns me once the boys join Chloe in school. But all in all, life is running smoothly. Some positives that are happening...

Chloe lost a top front tooth. She's an official snaggletooth for her first month of 3rd grade.

Cooper is starting preschool in a few weeks. I'm sure I'll be blogging about that and all that comes with it.

Brody has learned to push himself up to sitting position and has the soldier crawl on the belly down pat. That kid is STRONG and FAST! He's taken to moving the dining room chairs around single-handedly. Which has led to his newest nickname of "BamBam"!

Michael Jon is looking forward to starting a new shift at work. It will be a 12 hour shift. Difficult physically, but at least he will be guaranteed some time off during the week.

I'm currently watching a few kids for friends that need part time childcare. There's lots of goods that come from that. Some not-so-goods as well. But for the most part, it's nice to have the house full of laughter and fun.