Chloe is cheering for the second year for the Obion County Youth Football League, much to her daddy's dismay. He would much rather her be playing! Alas, she chose the girly-girl route and is cheering. There's 16 girls on her squad this year. We had the beginning of the year pep rally last night and it was such fun! The kids, grades 1st-6th, just love all the excitement and as parents, it's absolutely contagious! The players and cheerleaders were all introduced and the cheerleaders got to do a cheer. Chloe's squad won the Spirit Award (also known as the "Big Mouthed Parents" Award) for the loudest cheering from their crowd. I'm sure that no one is surprised that I can still holler out a cheer or two. This season will be exciting for sure! It will be the first year that the boys will be wearing full pads and the first year to play a weeknight schedule. So wish us luck adjusting to the busy weeks ahead.