We spent a rainy afternoon at the USWA Picnic. It was cool, rainy, muddy, and crowded. The timing of it all made us have to skip nap time which is never a good idea where Cooper and Brody are concerned. But there just wasn't any way around it. We got there just in time to eat and just as we were about to take to the fair rides, it started pouring down! I mean, it was raining buckets! Everything flooded, and they took down the rides. The kids were not happy. But all was not lost! There was still the door prizes to be given away. Last year, Chloe won a bike! And this year, it was the boys turn! Brody won the first one. Of course, he's a bit too small for it now, but I'm sure he'll be big enough for it before we know it! Cooper's is the perfect size for him! And he's pleased as punch with it! I know that you can't tell from the picture, but keep in mind, there was no nap and we are all pooped at this point! The boys are actually happy, they just can't remember that right now. Chloe was the only one disappointed this time. But tomorrow is her 8th birthday and unbeknowst to her, we're having a surprise party for her! So her disappointment will hopefully just add to the greatness of tomorrow's festivities!