Meet Cosette....AKA "Cozy". Yes, she's named for the Les Miserables character. And yes, I'm still that much of a musical theater nerd.
She's a Great Pyrenees. She's HUGE. The picture really doesn't show her size well...hold on....let me post something else that will give you a better idea of how gigantic this 6 week old pup is...

There we go...that's better. The other pup is her brother, Montana. (Yes, he was named for Joe Montana, football icon, and hero to my 10 year old nephew.) He was brought home by our nephew and will now happily live next door.
Right now, they are big bobbles of fur. They are still shy. A little confused. But doing well. Very sweet, very quiet, and very fluffy. We love them.
And before anyone starts saying the inevitable "Do you KNOW how BIG those dogs get???!!!" Yes, we KNOW how BIG those dogs will get! We have a neighbor 2 fields away that has one who seems to think that he lives with us. It's kind of a joint custody situation...every few days, he comes over to our house and hangs out until his owner comes and picks him up. Then he shows back up a few days later...the cycle continues. Here's a pic of Luke (AKA Jo Jo) meeting the pups for the first time....

That's the approximate size that they will get. Notice Cooper standing there, thinking about how he'll get a saddle on at least one of them in the near future.