So, first things first, the kids....
Chloe has been playing basketball for the first time this year! She loves it! The season ends this weekend, and I really think that she'll miss the practices and games once it's over. She won many team stars over the season for making baskets and defense. In fact, because she did so well in her first game as a defense player, she didn't even try to shoot the first 3 games. Finally, on the fourth, as she came over to us during a break, one of the other players dads told her to "not be scared to shoot if you have a shot". She went out in the next quarter and scored 6 points in a row! Her team is The Mountaineers. Here's a rather grainy, dark picture of her with a few of the girls on the team, but I'll try to post a new one once we have the team pic back this weekend.

Chloe has also been doing well in school, making it to the 5th grade reading level this year. She's had many sleepovers with her friends and trips to the movies with mom! She's really growing up quickly! (Complete with teenage-ish attitude at times...eeeeek!)
Jon Cooper is enjoying preschool! He loves learning to write his name and singing all the songs! He's no longer the only boy in his class, and he's happy to have some boys to play with too! His personality gets bigger everyday! He's quite sure of himself and even (dare I say it??) cocky at times. But with all that attitude comes quite a charming kid. It's hard not to smile as he gets punished and looks at me saying, "Momma, I'm gonna make you live somewhere else if you're not nice to me." Just so matter of fact! He recently had his first dentist appointment. He did so well! He smiled the whole way through without a single tear!

On to little Brody Carter. He's a bigger handful every day! I can't tell you the times that I hear from church nursery workers, friends and family, grocery employees, bank tellers, post office attendants, strangers on the street....that he's a busy, busy boy! He's just one of those kids that has two speeds..."Off and Overdrive"! He has recently found the joys of running and playing outside! And he is speaking his "native tongue" of jibber jabber fluently. No one else really understands him, but BOY OH BOY, does he have something important to say!! It mostly consists of "Ahhh gabagabagabagaba....Ohhhhh ticaticaticatica......" With the occasional "Momma" or "Dada" thrown in just to keep us on our toes. If I can get him to stay still and relax for a minute or two, his relaxation method consists of watching Little Bear while pulling my hair and sucking his thumb.

Now on to Michael Jon and me...We're doing well! Michael Jon had a bout with a bad tooth awhile back that had us worried with an incorrect diagnosis, but he's much better now! He has some stuff on his "honey do" list for the spring as a storm knocked down the kids' swingset last month. Of course, those 12 hour shift at the plant keep him busy still.
I have been staying busy with the regular stuff. I have also started at a local women's gym and try to go 3 times a week. It's been a lot of fun, really! I have a good friend that is my workout partner, so we get some girl talk in while we are on the treadmill and the weight machines.
I guess that's it for right now. I'll try to keep up with stuff better in the future, but I won't promise. ;-)