So Chloe is officially too old for Children's Church. Actually, she has been for a year, but since no one stopped her from going, she just kept the status quo. Well, the children's programming director sent word that any child over 2nd grade should stay upstairs. Totally understandable and totally ok by me.
Here's the predicament. She learns more in Children's Church than she does in "big church". We have a new minister who has lengthened our service a half hour. There is a lot of "high church" pomp now that is difficult for even the adults to sit through for an hour and a half. And his sermons, while beautiful and very educational, are very grown up. Not much for an 8 year old to be interested in. And everyone knows what happens when you get an 8 year old bored.... T-R-O-U-B-L-E!! She ends up squirming, whining, begging to go to the bathroom 3 times, wanting to lay down in the pew, wanting to sit with her friends....which ends in many, many confiscated Webkinz.
So, what to do?? It has been suggested that we allow books to be brought in to read. But I really would rather her pay attention to the service. At the same time, I'm not sure if she's capable of "getting it" yet. I remember playing tic tac toe as a child in church. So I suppose if the preacher's kid was allowed to goof off some during the service, it's not all bad.
I'll take any and all suggestions, friends and family.